Thursday, January 13, 2005
Don't have a cow cause I made up the word, "Blogetiquette". I was thinking last night about the fine line between keeping it real and taking close family and friend's feelings into account. Where do you keep the blogs real and where do you draw the line on what to post and what not to post. Tough call really. Last night I was frustrated about a certain event and I had epiphany regarding this matter. It sounds like a simple enough question, but the answers aren't exactly clear cut, nor is it black and white. Instinct tells you that friends and family comes first---as it should. Then upon careful consideration, you have to ask yourself about the purpose of blogs to begin with. To me it's an avenue to express my feelings whether it be something simple and seemingly mindless or complex and intrinsically deep and personal. One has to proceed with caution since your audience could change from strangers to close friends and relatives in no time. Of course you don't actually have to sacrifice one or the other. You should still share an important thought or event that's sensitive, but you might have to be more discreet and creative in how it's presented without calling out who you're talking about. Like take an event where a friend confides in you about a secret you can still share certain aspects of it without sharing the actual secret to everyone. It's certainly something to ponder and ruminate and if for anything else be aware of. Just a few more hours till I call it a day. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday! =)
Wednesday, January 12, 2005

I'm really starting to get into this show. I watched last week's episode and this week's was even better. The lead character Nate writes down everything. He has yellow pads like you won't believe all over the place. His Girlfriend, Marni and he, have been dating for months now and she realizes that she's never been to his apartment. He has a good reason for keeping it from her as you can see!*lol* They get intimate and he got her out of there before it got light out, by asking if she wanted to get some pie. She says later that she should have stayed over just to see the apartment, damn her weakness in pie. *lmao* She breaks in with her friend Tess the next day. She said it's almost like they're standing in his brain or something. They had to sneak out cause he called her and said he was on the way home. He finally decides that it's time to show her the apartment, except he cleaned it and she finally asks where's all the stuff? It ended with her saying she didn't care about his baggage and that if he hasn't noticed she was still there. You should check it out sometime, you won't be disappointed.
So, I finally get a call yesterday from the guy who sold me the chips. He said UPS said they'd look around to see if they can find em. I dunno about you, but they ain't finding no chips. Those chips are long gone! He said they would get back with him in 5 days so he said to call him back Friday or Saturday. He acknowleged the fact that he knows I'm anxious to get my chips so as soon as he gets confirmation of the claim he'll send one out to me. That's fair enough, I can't really expect him to ship me out a whole nother set without being assured he gets paid.
It was pretty chilly this morning. The weather has been crazy. Warm, cold, warm, cold. It's supposed to get warm the next to days in the 70s then drop like a rock over the weekend. It's all good though, cause I'll be watching some football anyways. I'm just thankful, I'm not a plant cause with this weather I'd be going out of my mind. Spring? Winter? Summer? WTF! MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MIND ALREADY!
I got my prepaid iTunes cards yesterday. I used half of one $15 card for music till I discovered Bill Cosby, Seinfeld and Lewis Black comedies. Lewis Black is awesome. It's raw uncensored humor! He was talking about IHOP and how they freaking give you a pitcher of coffee regardless of whether your by yourself or not. It's like 15 cups of coffee. You get excited cause maybe just maybe someone would come along and sit with you. So you take your creme and your sugar and you mix it all in and drink the whole gosh darn thing. Before you know it, your yelling, "WHERE'S MY DAMN PANCAKES? BRING ME MY DAMN PANCAKES...WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? THAT'S JUST TOO MUCH F-ING COFFEE!" I was dying laughing.
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Stolen by UPS

So I bought these poker chips on Ebay around Christmas time and it was delivered last friday. It was supposed to be a 26 lbs package and I was surprised when I picked it up and it was 4 lbs, if that. You would think they would notice the missing 22 lbs, but nope! It seems as if the tape on the side was peeled and the chips were removed by lifting the top and pushing down on the side flap of the box and slid it out. All the packing peanuts were gone and all that was left was the case. Crazy stuff, but what can you expect from something shipped out of NY. UPS called yesterday and asked a few questions. They didn't seem to have a problem with the insurance claim by the seller. I'm sitting here waiting to hear from the guy. He said 15 mins, it's been more like 20-25 already. I'm retentive like that though, when someone tells me something I expect them to do it. I guess that's a bad thing cause that leads to a lot of disappointment. I totally made myself sound bitter there. I'm not---quite the opposite really. I'm just hoping this gets resolved soon enough.
Monday, January 10, 2005
First blog
Hi! This is my first "blogging". I'm supposed to be working, but ehhh. I figure it's a good use to a few minutes. I'm 29...soon to be 30(Valentines day...awww...NOT!*lol*) Yeah, i'm really looking forward to that. Notice I can be quite sarcastic! So this on the 10th day of Jan 2005, I venture into the blogging realm. I feel as if I should say something clever after that, but I'm drawing a blank right now. You? No? Good! Shut up! And no, I didn't have caffein yet. Imagine that, caffein or sugar in my system---scary thought, isn't it? I work as a Lab technician, not quite as exciting as a junior executive analyst at a firm, but it manages to pay the bills nicely...ok adequately...barely. I've been working here since '97. I escaped briefly from 2001-2003, but what can I say, I'm just a glut for punishment I guess. I enjoy it though, but don't tell them that. Well, I really do need to get back to working. Check back soon.