Friday, October 21, 2005


Day 12 WRGPT

So it's Day 12 for WRGPT event. For those of you who don't know: WRGPT stands for World Rec.Gambling Poker Tournament. It is a FREE email-based poker tournament. There are no prizes nor are there any fees. The 15th annual version of this tourney will run from October 2005 to July 2006 or so. WRGPT predates online poker. WRGPT is run by unpaid volunteers on donated equipment and internet bandwidth. With that said, this is the first year in which I entered this tourney. It's a test of patience really. So far we are 10 hands in at my table. I have 12625 from the standard 10000 start. Good enough for 97th out of 1249. 1293 started the tourney so you can see that it's a slow moving tourney for sure.

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