Saturday, January 29, 2005
There is hope yet for UPS!

Just when it seems the bridge will forever be burned between UPS and I, Tom from UPS gives me a call around 7:30pm tonight. He said he just got the message tonight and that he works directly for the CEO and he wanted to hear what happened. I explained to him why I was so frustrated. I also apologized to him about what I have said in some of the emails. I told him that I might have...okay, I have crossed the line in some of the things I said in the email. It was humbling because I think being that I never expected to hear back from them, I had no pause in what I said. I meant 98% of it, but the insults and cheap shots were just a guy pissed off for being screwed in the 3 week long period. I can admit it, when I get on a war path it really is wide open and you best get out of the way.
It was surreal almost. Like I said, I didn't expect them to call or contact me to make things right. Tom told me that he wished he gotten the message sooner. I kinda wished he got the message before 3pm Friday. Being that it was the time I was finally told no way they'd cover Next Day, where they essentially washed their hands of the situation and passed responsibility to the shipper. The shipper had no choice but to send it ground. If I were in his shoes I probably would have sent it Next Day Air anyway, no matter the cost. It's gone on long enough. Not saying I'm better or anything, just that I honestly feel I would have just taken the loss---of course had I been the shipper, I would have never settled on Ground. Of course, I fully understand the shipper's situation though.
I told him that the replacement shipment was sent and is due to arrive on Feb 1st. I knew I wasn't going to get it this month! I just knew it! *lol* I gave Tom the original tracking number and he apologized for what's happened and said he'll get the other managers involved to fix the situation. Vindication! Finally! It felt so good just to have it acknowledged. So, we'll see what happens from here. I was so close to selling my UPS stock yesterday. It was 3:45 and I sad there contemplating. Why I didn't, I really don't know. Impulse was telling me to, but I stopped myself as I started to place the sell order. This may have a happy ending after all. What can Brown do for me? We shall see.
Thursday, January 27, 2005
UPS...The saga continues...

Just when I thought there was a light at the end of the tunnel, the tunnel gets longer and longer still. Ok, last night when I took a 2 hour nap around 5pm, the shipper calls and leaves a voicemail message saying that UPS said they would fax him the claims paperwork about 90 mins from when he was leaving the message. He said he's probably gonna be able to send the package today, next day air. I called him today and asked him the status. He said everything was cool and that it will ship today and I should get it on Friday. Then, he calls around 4 and said that UPS will only reimburse him the original shipping cost---meaning UPS ground. I tell him to hold on and I'll call UPS myself. First of all, he's stupid in that he should have fought harder and not taken no for an answer. Second, UPS in typical UPS only fashion tries their best to screw me over...again...again...again and again. If you've been reading then you know that this has been going on since the 7th! UGH! I hope I never meet that Tammy woman who originally investigated this since she's the root of all this evil mess.
So, I call Leora, one of the supervisors at UPS. She tells me to tell the shipper to hold off sending and she'll try to get approval by tomorrow morning. She didn't promise anything, just that she'll see what she can do. At this point, I got nothing to lose waiting another day since if she does get approval, then I get it shipped tomorrow and I get the package Saturday. If not, then I get it Tuesday instead of Monday. Mind you, at this point, it's more the principle of it because of the compounding comedy of errors(haha...not that I'm really laughing here) that has ensued. They have yet to take the initiative to correct this problem. To Leora's credit, she's one of the few that actually followed up on the matter and seems sincerely trying to fix the problem.
I have yet to hear from any of the UPS "higher-ups" that I emailed yesterday and today. I blasted them again today and posted the question, "If Micheal Dell or Jeff Bezos(Amazon)emailed any of them, would they have done the same and not responded?" Of course the answer would be that they would. Again, me and my measly 20 shares of UPS stock makes me an owner. I know that sounds corny, but it's a fact. If I'm a shareholder and get this treatment, then good luck to everybody else. *lol* And really, I don't really hold myself in higher regard just because I own the stock. As a shareholder though, I am really disappointed. Btw, UPS stock was at $84/share on the it closed at $74/share. $10/share drop since the Brown started shitting on me---coincidence? You decide!*lol* I'm telling you, bad karma goes a long way. Cept in my case, that's a double whammy! The CEO Mike Eskew sucks big time for not responding, he's useless as far as I'm concerned.
So, here we are, day 20 of this long twisted journey and still waiting. Instead of asking What can Brown do for you? I'm starting to ask WWFExDo...What Would FedEx Do? Or WWDHLD? What Would DHL Do? Brown is the shit! They're SHIT!*lol*
We'll see what happens tomorrow. Hopefully there's a good result in waiting overnight. I just know I'll feel much better the sooner I get this thing resolved.
Oh, and I got 13 referrals so far in my quest to get a Free Photo Ipod. So far only 1 has completed though. 1 down, 9 to go!
I finally soothed my craving of White Castle burgers. I bought a box at Sams. It's so good, omg! I ate 4 of them and I could have eaten another 6 for sure!*lol* I've been craving it since watching Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle.
I'm so glad it's Friday tomorrow. Casual Day! Woohoo! Happy Happy Friday!
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Ok, so I said it! But really though, I think at this point I'm entitled to it! I was so frustrated with one of the reps yesterday that I hanged up on her. I don't think I've ever done that before...ok, maybe to a telemarketer who wouldn't shut up. This time though it was more the...yada yada yada...UGH! *CLICK* She was being obnoxious in that she kept insisting that the shipper has to be the one they deal with, and even said ebonics wise, "R U with Best-Bet-Lim-i-ted?" How rude! So I hanged up on her sorry ass. All I was asking for was to have to claims form refaxed to the shipper cause he didn't get it. They're acting like I'm asking for a miracle or something! The shipper at this point it pissing me off too cause he's dragging his feet and not taking the initiative to send me my damn chips. I finally got a return/damaged package label and I packed it yesterday with a ton of tape!
He's pretending to wait for the forms, but he's really stalling to get it out. Either way he has to ship it anyway since I'm sending everything I've gotten back. It's stupid. I just want this thing resolved. You know, I found the email addys of the CEO and a ton of other board members and managers? Didn't do any good emailing them since there has been no progress yet.
Slow day as far as work. Hopefully enough to stay busy. Then again, I'm blogging so it can't be all that busy! At least it's hump day!
He's pretending to wait for the forms, but he's really stalling to get it out. Either way he has to ship it anyway since I'm sending everything I've gotten back. It's stupid. I just want this thing resolved. You know, I found the email addys of the CEO and a ton of other board members and managers? Didn't do any good emailing them since there has been no progress yet.
Slow day as far as work. Hopefully enough to stay busy. Then again, I'm blogging so it can't be all that busy! At least it's hump day!
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Happy Tuesday to everyone! I know! I know! I'm a bit too cheerful this morning. Quite the contrary. I'm just sitting here typing and having a cup of coffee (the caffein hasn't even kicked in yet!*lol*) Anyways, have you ever noticed how Meteorologists seem to not know what they're doing? We were supposed to get a good bit over the weekend and came up empty. Don't get me wrong, after my trying trek last Wednesday, the last thing I'm wishing for is more snow! Is it just me, or should we just have people on watch towers all over the city? Just give em all walkie-talkies and if they see anything they can alert us. "SNOW! Coming from the North-East! Do you copy?" "Yes, I'm seeing some dense clouds heading west...It's gonna rain in 5...4...3....[Thunders]...NOW!" *lol*
The poker chip saga has taken a turn for the better hopefully. I'm told that UPS was supposed to fax the paperwork to the guy who sold me the chips by the end of the day yesterday and that I'd have a shipment next day aired then. I'm sure it'll be more like today or tomorrow and it'll be 2nd day air somehow and I'd eventually get it ohhh....say Friday---AGAIN! I hope not though. I'm ready for this thing to be over with. UPS is supposed to pick-up everything I recieved and the seller is sending me a complete new set. Notice I said "supposed", since I don't expect anything to be smooth sailing at this point.
Work has been okay this week. It's a little early still, but hopefully not too bad.
The coffee is luke-warm now. See, what I sacrifice for typing my heart and soul? Ok, I guess it's not that kind of blog, yet still---my coffee will be cold soon is all I'm saying! :-P
Well, don't just sit there all day. Go the blistering winter cold...or go load up some songs into your new Ipod Shuffle. What do I care? It's your time to waste, right? Go fix you a snack! Strive for world peace! Watch TV while jogging in place. Take a nap...wish I could!
The poker chip saga has taken a turn for the better hopefully. I'm told that UPS was supposed to fax the paperwork to the guy who sold me the chips by the end of the day yesterday and that I'd have a shipment next day aired then. I'm sure it'll be more like today or tomorrow and it'll be 2nd day air somehow and I'd eventually get it ohhh....say Friday---AGAIN! I hope not though. I'm ready for this thing to be over with. UPS is supposed to pick-up everything I recieved and the seller is sending me a complete new set. Notice I said "supposed", since I don't expect anything to be smooth sailing at this point.
Work has been okay this week. It's a little early still, but hopefully not too bad.
The coffee is luke-warm now. See, what I sacrifice for typing my heart and soul? Ok, I guess it's not that kind of blog, yet still---my coffee will be cold soon is all I'm saying! :-P
Well, don't just sit there all day. Go the blistering winter cold...or go load up some songs into your new Ipod Shuffle. What do I care? It's your time to waste, right? Go fix you a snack! Strive for world peace! Watch TV while jogging in place. Take a nap...wish I could!