Sunday, January 16, 2005

It's amazing to me how some 13 months and 2 weeks have passed since we reached our millionth sample at work. It took 22 years, with myself partaking in some 4 years and probably some 300,000+ samples. We're up to 1,114,000 right now so we estimate to reach the next million roughly 6 years from now. We finally took that sign down and I had an idea to get everyone on the current staff to autograph the millionth sign. Mine is the one on the top left, just in case you're wondering. Why do I want to keep it? I think it's something I was proud to be a part of. As corny as it sounds, it's history and I thought that it would be a fun thing to do to get everyone to sign it---which it was! How else could I get all their autographs? If any of us goes postal and end up on the news then I can EBAY that sucker! Just Kidding!*lol*
I've been lazy to post the past 2 days. I think the fact that nobody has yet to leave a comment is making me wonder if anyone out there is reading. If your reading this, please be so kind as to leave me a brief comment.
I spoke to the guy who sold me the poker chips! He said that he hasn't heard from UPS, but he will go ahead and send me a replacement shipment on Monday. I'll be so glad when I finally get them. I'm an avid poker player. I mostly play on Not for real money though. I have a lot to learn before I earn a seat at the bigger tables. I'm currently reading Phil Hellmuth's book Play Poker Like the Pros It's quite good actually, but I hear it's not as good as Doyle Brunson's Super System.
We had some sleet this morning. It's all gone now, but it is cold as heck. It's ok though since I plan on staying indoors and watching the Vikings-Eagles and the Colts-Patriots. Speaking of which, it's time for the game. Have a great day!