Saturday, January 22, 2005
399? WTF?!?

Ugh!!! I'm FED UP with UPS! I finally get the package at 8:05pm last night and I spent the next 40 mins counting all the chips. The wrappers on them were all gone and they looked like they were swept with a broom into the box. The box was shipped Next day Air from Kansas City MO from UPS corporate. The box was in order and taped properly. One deck of cards were missing and the one that did arrive was a mess. There were 3 dies that came with it. Must have come from some other lost package. When I finished counting I was 101 chips short of 500! I was HOT! It was after hours so the shipper was gone. I called UPS who was not much help in trying to say that they have to investigate and inspect the package on Monday. Mind you they took forever before to investigate and neglected to come by the house the first go round. Now, they want to look at the stupid package that THEY SENT and see that oh...big surprise, it's intact and they wasted everybody's time---this come Monday! I can see it now though. Bottom line the one who processed it obviously didn't do her job. Not gonna mention any names, Tammy, but she was stupid for not making sure. I think it's just a ploy to delay processing the claim.
The thing that bugs me is that the whole correspondence between UPS and I, nobody seems to know what another department is doing or said previously. Last night I spoke to a Supervisor and she told me that they would go ahead and process the claim. I get transfered to a Claims Rep and lo and behold, he had no idea and I had to explain again. I asked him to find out which supervisor I spoke to earlier and he said there's no way to find that out. After cussing him out or venting, I said look we're not getting anywhere, this is BS. I said call the shipper and settle it with him. Just when I was resolved to calling it a night, I called the main UPS number again and asked if they could find out who I spoke to. 5 mins later, I was talking to Bianca and she and I were laughing at the fact that I don't work there and was able to find out and someone who works for them can't seem to manage to find it out internally since it's in the system to begin with.
I called the shipper and he's looking into it. We've agreed that we need to request for them to authorize shipping a Next Day replacement for the missing portion. So the Chip Saga continues! Fun! What Joy! Yey! Oh, BOY! *Sighs* This has gone on for 2 wks as of yesterday. I ordered these on the 30th, mind you! Bad enough that I had to sort through dusty cold Poker Chips last night! Being a UPS stock holder, I think it might just be the right time to sell. To say I'm disappointed would be a gross understatement---more like disgusted at this point! Ah, the weekend. We're expecting freezing rain. More stuff to look forward to! Have a good one! =)