Sunday, January 30, 2005
40K in 8mins...

40K in 8 play money!*lol* So it's not real money, but it sure was a rush! One hand that started it, I had 7-8 suited clubs. There were 2 clubs that fell on the flop(AK) and I raised it 250. I started with 2000. The game is 5/10 No Limit Texas Hold-em. One guy raises over the top and I call. The turn was a 5 of hearts. I raised another 500. The river was a 10 of clubs. I end up pushing all-in. Four others end up calling and I won 8000. Then I had KJ off-suit. I raise 500 preflop. A couple of people call. Flop comes down KQK. I'm in last position and people started jamming the pot. I had to call a 3500 raise. When the turn came I made a 500 bet. When the river came up with a low card, I move all-in. 2 people call and all of a sudden I'm sitting with around 27000. I won another hand with QJ suited-hearts. I needed one more heart after the flop, it never came, but my pair Hilton sisters held up to push me past 37000. I folded a 9-3 on the next hand. After that I only added another 5K, but the way I did it was beautiful. I was holding TJ spades. I raise 200 preflop. Some raise over the top with 500 and the next guy pushes it to 1500. Normally, I'd stay away. I called just because I had a huge stack. The flop comes down 9K5. I raise 500. two people call and are all-in. The guy who raised 1500 calls. Turn comes down Q. I'm sitting with a straight and I check. He checks. River was a 5 hearts. I check again. He raises 1000. I move all in. He calls. SUCKER! I walk away with 42,775. All this in 8 mins. It was awesome. I'll quit talking about poker now. *lol*
Watched Smallville today. It was a recording from Wed. It's the episode where this girl who can teleport was released from being locked up. She has this bracelet that keeps her from using her powers. She was obsessed with Clark Kent before and tried to kill him and Lana Lang. The interesting thing about the episode is how it touched on the fact that it's so hard for Clark to find someone and he wanted so bad for it to be her. She already knows his secret, not to mention she's cute as heck. Now, if only she was sane! Right, the sane part. She did end up betraying him again by giving him a necklace with red Kryptonite. They ended up going to Vegas and getting married. She takes it off him while they were getting ready to um...consummate their love and he's all like whoa WHOA! The bracelet is off at this point and she uses her powers to teleport outta there. She takes a bullet for him from the crazy psychologist who apparently was in love with her and tries to kill Clark. Clark asks why she did that since she knew he could take the bullet fine. She tells him that she promised to protect him from anyone or anything. She ends up being fine. He visits her and she apologizes...again. They end up hugging at the very end, so who knows where it's headed. I love this show, it's has such a dark cloud of mystery and a dark side to it. Not to mention, Lana Lane is hot. Then again, I wouldn't mind teleporting gal to be in more episodes either. But yea, she would be so perfect since she does adore him and he seems to genuinely care about her---I mean, c'mon, if she was ugly he would so not talk to her anymore after everything she's done! It does have it's perks for sure!*lol* Makes me wonder where Lana fits into all this all of a sudden. Ehhh, what the heck am I talking about, Lana and Clark will have some sexual tension again in the next episode! hehe.
Iron Chef America Now...Ming Tsai V Bobby Flay...gtg watch. :-P