Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Flurries my ass!

Today's forecast called for possible flurries in the afternoon. Boy, to say they were OFF, would be the understatement of the year! We didn't get a great amount of accumulation, but we had a good bit of dusting that turned into solid ice glaze on secondary roads. The beltline(Freeway) conditions were great. Mostly clear, if it weren't for the traffic it'd be an okay drive. The smart folks at work finally decided to close shop at 3:30pm. I left work at 3:45pm. The general consensus was that there would be traffic because of accidents, but I seriously doubt that any of us were prepared for what turned out to be a 3,4,5,6,7,8 hour adventure. In my case, I finally made it some 5 hours and 45 mins later. I was playing with the camera on my Samsung A670 phone, and I took that pic while was sitting in traffic after 2 hours. I thought it was neat that I got it at 5:55. While snapping the pic, I thought to myself that surely the way the day is going it was gonna change to 5:56 and mess it up. Luckily, though irrelevant, it did. Mind you, this is a drive I usually make in 15-20mins---I've made it in 9 mins at 5am before! It's like 9 1/2 miles from the house. It took me an hour and a half just to go up the road from work and to the on-ramp. It was 3hrs, 15mins just to make my exit some 7 miles away! I had to pee really bad so I stopped by CVS. I got some Nutter Butter Bites and Snapple Lemon Iced Tea. I was so thirsty. The Snapple almost came back to haunt me as little did I know I had to sit another 2 1/2 hours in traffic.
The longest drive I've ever taken was 4 1/2 hours to Myrtle Beach and another time from Vegas to Riverside in Cali. Long driving is easy compared to being in traffic. I was resolved paying Texas Hold'em on my phone. It was a trial version that was supposed to only last 10 mins, but for some reason it kept going. Not exactly the safest thing, but it was a good way to pass 30 mins. I only stopped playing for fear of the battery dying. This was some hour after taking my exit. Mostly a slow crawl to dead stop.
Today was a rough day to say the least. I had a rack of 16, black engine oil samples poured out in test tubes drop to the floor right before lunch. It splattered oil on my shoes and pants. I'm getting good at blotting that crap with Heptane these days. Not to mention wiping that crap off the floor. Little did I know, that was the easy part of my day. It's funny how things work out though. One minute I was complaining about how North Carolinians ought to know by now that they will wreck if anyone even spilled a Smoothie on the road. The next, I was just praying to make it home safely.
It was quite pathetic though. When I maneuvered past the last obstacle and saw the last traffic light(turned out to be one more, but then again who's counting), I looked up and saw the open road and said, "Ahhhhhhhhhh....FREEDOM!" *lol* It was a moment one only appreciates after driving foot by foot, if not inch by inch for 9 1/2 miles!
Dinner was good though! Right now I'm gonna just chill back and fall asleep as I'm sure won't be too long from now.
Btw, update on my stolen Poker Chips! The guy who sold em to me was ready to send me a replacement shipment on Monday. Then Monday was MLK day, so that pushed it back to Tuesday. So then UPS had to mess it all up by saying they found em and they will get back with the seller. Well, I called the guy today and UPS has yet to get in touch with him. He was supposed to check with them this afternoon, but never did call me back. Of course with the cell phone signal going in and out he might not have gone through, although I'm sure he'd have left a message though. Well, I guess I'll try again tomorrow. I should just be like, "Dude! I ordered those damn chips last year!" hahaha. It's true though...eventhough it was like Dec 30th. Still, it's been awhile!
Have a good one!