Tuesday, January 18, 2005
The Village

The Village.Many people hated this movie. It's not The Sixth Sense, but I think it still showcased M.Night Shyamalan's ability for suspense. As far as the big twist, at first glance, it may not seem the shocker one expects, but the magnitude of what's revealed is very deep. The whole wondering if there are creatures in the woods or not was great in that one minute you think you have it figured out, the next you don't and it comes full circle until your left examining what just happened and how it impacts the lives of the villagers. I watched it when it came out and again on DVD. Both times left me with more questions than I started with. What was Lucius' color? Red? Yellow? Who was skinning the animals? Was it Noah? Is it possible that something is out there? It's a movie that requires a lot of thought, which may be why a lot of people just didn't get it. I think just the fact that there was a "Blair Witch-like" scene got a lot of people up and arms about it. Was I entertained? Yes! And that's what movies are all about. Don't get me wrong though, I'm all for thoughtless movies like Dude Where's My Car also! =)