Wednesday, February 02, 2005
Poker Set...Amanda Bynes...Smokin!

I got a call from Tom from UPS around 6 and he was checking to see if everything arrived ok. I said, "Yes, everything arrived ok." He asked me how much I paid for the Poker Chips. I said $95 and $34.95 for shipping. He said they would like to pay for them by sending me a check for $140. It's actually $130, but I wasn't arguing. I told them I appreciate them doing that. I also said to make sure to apologize to the board members as well as CEO Eskew. I also stressed that my main thing was that the obvious problems have to be addressed. He acknowledged that they will look into it and as naive as it sounds, I believed him. In my book, they really came through. Better late, than never! How ironic! *lol*
So I was feeling good when I left for The Carolina Ale House. Wednesday is World Tavern Poker Night. A lot of states have them. It's free and they got gift certificates, among other things, as prizes. It's really a lot of fun. It was the first time I've been and I played well, I thought. I lasted 20 mins into the 2nd hour, not great, but not bad. I was patient and checked to lure people to bet. I was chip leader when our table got broken up. I really got into a tough table where this guy Jonas was playing every hand and sickly winning every hand. This is what we call a douchebag. When my friends left, I had a stack of about 8000 and I got tired of seeing this guy bully the table around. I was sitting with a QK and I said screw it. I called a pre-Flop bet of 3400. The flop was 3,9 and 8. I went on to push all-in being first to act. He called and the guy in last position also called. The Dick flipped 10,9...the other guy flipped AK. I was sitting there praying for a Q. It was a 6 and the was the end of the night. I had to do it though. First because I was tired of him doing it and I had a great bit vested into the pot already anyways. The guy with AK had every right to stay in, just sucks that not a K or an Ace fell. 33% of the time it does so his chances weren't bad at all. I looked at it and said ok, it's a toss up. I could have lasted another hour or so, but I felt like I had to make a move on him before long. Blinds were up to 400/800 at that point so with 1200 commited every round, It was only a matter of time. The guy with the AK was there with his girlfriend. She was really cute and I noticed her right when I walked in the door. She looked a lot like Amanda Bynes. She saw me and her boyfriend talking with another Dickhead casualty talking about how unreal that whole mess was. She said, "Is this where the 'losers' hang out?" Man she was hot! She was at that table too and got knocked out by the same guy. I would have folded to her, I think! No, I know I would have! Haha! Eh, what do I care, I "won" me a poker chip set tonight as far as I'm concerned! *lol* :-P