Thursday, February 17, 2005


Roller Coaster

To say that this week has been crazy would be a huge understatement. Describing it as a roller coaster is fairly accurate. I went to see my friend on Tuesday. As much as it was to be there for her, I came away feeling much better that she seemed in good spirits. That's not to say that it'll take a lot of prayer for her to get through this, but it assured me that she certainly would. The funeral is on Saturday. The sooner that gets here the better. We're still left wondering what in the world could have happened, and it's certain that we'll continue to be troubled by that until there are some answers. Tuesday was a busy day. With work and visiting my friend and the party. The party was great. The cousins and I watched American Idol. We were sitting there figuring out which group stayed and which ones stayed. The last of the guests left around 10:15 and we finished cleaning up around 11:55. I went through the presents and wallets seemed to be the 30th Bday gift as I got 3 of them. I also got 3 Tommy Hilfiger shirts, 16 pairs of socks( my Grandma got me 6 Gold Toe ones!), A big bag of Macadamia nuts, a dark blue dress shirt, a Nike hooded shirt, a bottle of wine, as well as $25 from B&N, 2-$25 Dick's Sporting Goods, 2-$20 Bamboo Asian Bistro gift certificates. So I guess you can say I cleaned up. OMG, my cousin Jason gave me a Bonzai Tree!!! That was sooooo AWESOME! I love it! I told him that I'm afraid I might end up killing it like the other ones. That thing is nice. I need to take a picture of that and post it on here. Around midnight we watched Commited and I slept like a log. Last night, I was still tired that I crashed right after watching UNC win on retro night.

This morning is fairly decent. Sample load isn't too bad. Hopefully it stays that way.

Well, I better be getting back to work. Have a great day!
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